Together with we renewed their recruitment website with the aim to find a better match between applicant and employer.

The goal

Simple. Achieve a higher conversion in job applications and spend less time on candidates that you know beforehand that they do not fit the company.

The problem

1. The appearance of the old website does not match the identity of the company. The website creates a completely different expectation of how the company really is. The user experience of the applicant and is not good, because the expectations do not match reality.

2. The application procedure is unclear

The solution

1. By doing preliminary research within the company, having discussions with various employees, we have come to the core problem. Based on these findings, we started looking for solutions. Unlike the old website suggests is very cozy, young and fresh – as they say ‘tech & geeky’ company.

This was clearly what was missing: by changing the style and using the correct (visual) language we achieved a higher conversion between the applicant and the company.

2. The application procedures at are quite extensive, because the team must be coordinated as well as possible. However, this creates ambiguities for the applicants and (!) The employees of By schematically mapping the application procedures, we have been able to remove these ambiguities.

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